Event Value
Jan, 22 07:00
Public Sector Net Borrowing
Public Sector Net Borrowing
Date: Jan, 22 07:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 11.2
Forecast: 13.7
Actual: -
Period: Dec
In the U.K., the amount of expenditures less the total receipts taken in by the government. Public sector net borrowing is the measure of fiscal surpluses and deficits along with the amount of new debt created. If this number is positive, it means the U.K. is running a fiscal deficit, while a negative number represents a fiscal surplus.
Jan, 22 11:00
Bundesbank Monthly Report
Bundesbank Monthly Report
Date: Jan, 22 11:00
Importance: Low
Previous: -
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: -

Market impact tends to be greater when the report reveals a viewpoint that clashes with the ECB's stance. It contains relevant articles, speeches, statistical tables, and provides detailed analysis of current and future economic conditions from the bank's viewpoint.

Jan, 22 13:30
Industrial Product Price Index
Industrial Product Price Index
Date: Jan, 22 13:30
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.6%
Forecast: 0.8%
Actual: -
Period: Dec

Industrial Product Price Index released by the Statistics Canada measures price changes for major commodities sold by Canadian manufactures. Changes in the IPP index are widely followed as an indicator of commodity inflation.

Jan, 22 13:30
Raw Materials Price Index
Raw Materials Price Index
Date: Jan, 22 13:30
Importance: Low
Previous: -0.5%
Forecast: 0.4%
Actual: -
Period: Dec

Measures the prices paid by Canadian manufacturers for key raw materials, including resources not produced in Canada. Also known as the Producer Price Index, the RMPI is an early measure of inflation. Although producers may not pass on changes in raw material prices to consumers immediately, the index will record these cost pressures before they reach the end consumer and affect inflation rates. The headline figure is the percentage change in the price index from the previous month and year.

The index includes prices for raw materials like mineral fuels, vegetable products, animal and animal products, wood, ferrous materials, non-ferrous metals, and non-metallic minerals.

Jan, 22 15:00
Leading Index
Leading Index
Date: Jan, 22 15:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 99.7; 0.3%
Forecast: 99,6; -0.1%
Actual: -
Period: Dec

The Index includes account inventory ratios, machinery orders, stock prices and other leading economic indicators. As the aggregate of many leading indices the Leading Economic Index provides a forecast of the future state of the domestic economy and is thought to predict activity that will occur 6-9 months after the reporting period.

The index operates on a 1-100 scale, where a value lower than 50 means that most indictors are negative and a value higher than 50 means most indicators are positive. In both cases a greater distance from the midpoint (50) means that the indicators are more strongly positive or negative.

99.7; 0.3%
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