Event Value
Oct, 15 05:30
Industrial Production
Industrial Production
Date: Oct, 15 05:30
Importance: Low
Previous: -3.3%; -4.9%
Forecast: -3.3%; -4.9%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Measures the per volume change in output from mining, quarrying, manufacturing, energy and construction sectors in Japan. Industrial production is significant as a short-term indicator of the strength of Japanese industrial activity. High or rising Industrial Production figures suggest increased production and economic expansion. However, uncontrolled levels of production and consumption can spark inflation.

The report is only a preliminary estimate figure that does not move the markets much. The figure is released in headlines as a monthly percent change.

-3.3%; -4.9%
Oct, 15 07:00
Claimant Count Change
Claimant Count Change
Date: Oct, 15 07:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 23.7K
Forecast: 20.2K
Actual: -
Period: Sep

The UK claimant count provides data on those individuals who are out of work and who are claiming some sort of unemployment benefit.

Oct, 15 07:00
Claimant Count Rate
Claimant Count Rate
Date: Oct, 15 07:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 4.1%
Forecast: 4.1%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The Claimant Count is the UK's most timely measure of unemployment. The report measures the number of people who claim unemployment benefits, but actively seeking work. The Claimant Count serves as a barometer for the health of the UK labor market. Higher job growth accompanies economic expansion and could spark inflationary pressures.

The headline number is a percentage change in the figure.

Oct, 15 07:00
Average Earnings Index
Average Earnings Index
Date: Oct, 15 07:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 4.0%; 5.1%
Forecast: 3.8%; 4.9%
Actual: -
Period: Aug
It's a leading indicator of consumer inflation - when businesses pay more for labor the higher costs are usually passed on to the consumer. Data represents the 3-month moving average compared to the same period a year earlier. A figure that excludes bonuses is also released, but not included for lack of significance. Source changed series calculation formula as of Jan 2010
4.0%; 5.1%
Oct, 15 07:00
Wholesale Price Index
Wholesale Price Index
Date: Oct, 15 07:00
Importance: Low
Previous: -0.8%; -1.1%
Forecast: 0.2%; 1.9%
Actual: -
Period: Sep

Measures changes in the prices paid by retailers for finished goods. Growth in wholesale prices usually precedes increases in retail prices, thus changes in Wholesale Prices can be used as an early indicator for inflation. While the CPI records price changes for retail goods, the WPI might pick up inflationary pressures before they reach the headline retail CPI report. The headline number is the percentage change in the index.

Note: WPI provides seasonally adjusted price changes to account for goods' seasonally volatility.

-0.8%; -1.1%
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